Mackie SRM550

out of stock Mackie SRM550

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  • Brand:
  • Model: SRM550
  • Availability: Hubungi Kami
  • Rp. 19.300.00019300000.0000

Mackie SRM-550 1600W

Mackie's SRM550 is a 1600W system power paired with custom transducers that deliver gig-level volumes with room to spare. It features a 12" high-output LF driver and 1.4" titanium dome compression driver, as well as Mackie's signature "Built-Like-A-Tank" construction. It is an all-wood, internally-braced cabinet that delivers unmatched roadworthiness. A rugged 18-gauge steel grille and fine-textured, sleek black cabinet finish further enhance its safety features.

From an audio perspective, it is front ported for maximum low-end extension and punch and has Mackie's High-Definition Audio Processing for professional sound with unmatched clarity. A patented acoustic correction developed with touring geniuses at EAW, and a precision 2-way digital crossover and driver time-alignment and phase correction lend incredible clarity and definition to signal reproduction. Mackie's quick one-button Speaker Mode selection for application-specific voicing (PA, DJ, Monitor and Soloist) make for effortless setup.

Effortlessly eliminate nasty feedback with one-button automatic Feedback Destroyer, and use then integrated 2-channel mixer featuring dual Mackie Wide-Z inputs. This box handles anything from mics to guitars to mixers with a single twist of the gain knob. Patching includes stereo RCA inputs for easy connection to music source, making it perfect for the singer/songwriter: sinply plug in and leave the mixer at home. Smart Protect DSP kicks in to protect your investment when things get pushed a little too hard, and monitor-specific 60-degree angle and voicing mode perfect for cutting through on stage.


  • Rugged construction
  • Versatile input patching
  • 1600 watts
  • Great sound
  • Lightweight

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