TC-Helicon TALKBOX SYNTH Guitar and VocalTALKBOX SYNTH offers classic and new sounds to the guitarist’s arsenal. From instantly recognizable talkbox “hose-in-the-mouth” sounds to wonderfully electronic “talking robot” effects, imagine yourself commanding attention at jams and gigs. Even when the eff..
Kabel Kirlin IWC201B Instrumen Akai to Akai (3M)Kirlin IWC201B ini memiliki desain yang baik dan sangat profesional dengan serat 20AWG ini memberikan hasil suara yang baik dengan meminimalisir distorsi, delay dan noise...
Proel EBN 2408 LU 50The EBN Audio stage boxes are constructed using an epoxy powder finish metal box, featuring small weight and dimension thanks to the professional printed circuit boards used, where high quality NEUTRIK gold-plated contacts XLR connectors are wired in automatic. Cable mount termin..
Mik Headset CondenserMik cardioid condenser yang ekonomis untuk pidato atau vokal, menawarkan daya tahan dan kenyamanan yang tahan lama.--------------------------------------------------Headset Condenser MicrophoneAffordable wireless cardioid condenser headset microphone for speech and vocal perform..