Audiocore CCS-100C Chairman Conference Mic for CCS-100/CCS-500 SeriesOptimized for the Audiocore CCS-100 series, this Chairman Mic have the feature to mute all delegates at a touch of a button. This mic can be connected to Audiocore CCS-500 series as well.Technical SpecificationsConference Chairman ..
Audiocore CCS-100D Delegate Conference Mic for CCS-100/CCS-500 SeriesOptimized for the Audiocore CCS-100 series, this Delegate Mic is used for all meeting delegates. This mic can be connected to Audiocore CCS-500 series as well.Technical SpecificationsConference Delegate Unit Parameter (CCS-100D):Ty..
Audiocore CCS-100M Conference System (Master Control Unit)Suited for the Audiocore CCS-100 conference mic series, this Master Control Unit is able to power up all the cabled conference microphone attached to it up to 60 mic. You can set it up in a daisy chain fashion to an extender machine for added..
Audiocore CCS-500C Premium Chairman Conference Mic for CCS-500/CCS-100 SeriesOptimized for the Audiocore CCS-500 series, this Chairman Mic have the feature to mute all delegates at a touch of a button. This mic can be connected to Audiocore CCS-100 series as well.Technical SpecificationsConference C..
Audiocore CCS-500D Premium Delegate Conference Mic for CCS-500/CCS-100 SeriesOptimized for the Audiocore CCS-500 series, this Chairman Mic have the feature to mute all delegates at a touch of a button. This mic can be connected to Audiocore CCS-100 series as well.Technical SpecificationsConference D..
Audiocore CCS-500M Premium Conference System (Master Control Unit)Suited for the Audiocore CCS-500 conference mic series, this Master Control Unit is able to power up all the cabled conference microphone attached to it up to 60 mic. You can set it up in a daisy chain fashion to an extender machine f..
Audiocore WCS-1000C Unit Mik Ketua (untuk Sistem Konferensi Wireless Audiocore WCS-1000)Audiocore WCS-1000C merupakan Unit Mik Pimpinan untuk Sistem Konferensi Wireless Audiocore WCS-1000. Menggunakan teknologi wireless digital terbaru, Audiocore WCS-1000C mampu menangkap sinyal sampai dengan 80m wi..
Audiocore WCS-1000D Delegate Conference Mic for WCS-1000 SeriesOptimized for the Audiocore WCS-1000 series. With working range up to 100m, this mic is suitable for large conferences, large corporate meeting, hotel, boardrooms, and university function hall. The flexibility of wireless make this confe..
Audiocore WCS-1000M Wireless Conference System (Master Control Unit)Suited for the Audiocore WCS-1000 wireless conference mic series, this Master Control Unit uses latest and sophisticated wireless digital technology to process the audio signal and control signal with scientific ID code design witho..
Paket Sound System Portable Wireless AudiocorePaket Sound System Portable Audiocore disediakan bagi anda yang membutuhkan sound system untuk ruangan meeting / conference room / rapat / discussion room/ untuk event pameran indoor maupun outdoor / mobile advertising / kuliah / keperluan lainnya yang m..
Mik Wireless Audiocore AW-3020Audiocore AW-3020 merupakan Mik Wireless unik dan adaptif yang didesain khusus untuk penggunaan massal dan jarak sistem dekat seperti pada ruang karaoke, ruang kelas, gereja, ruang rapat / meeting, kantor, pameran, dll. Sistem dari Audiocore AW-3020 mampu mencari frekue..
Sistem Konferensi/Meeting/Rapat Kabel Audiocore CCS-100Rapat, konferensi pers, dan seminar adalah bagian dari kegiatan sehari-hari dalam usaha dan kantor. Di kesibukan kita jaman sekarang, kita sering harus berlari dari satu pertemuan ke pertemuan lain, dari satu seminar ke rapat lain. Semua kegiata..
Sistem Konferensi/Meeting/Rapat Kabel Premium Audiocore CCS-500Apapun acara dan kegiatannya, baik itu rapat sederhana di kantor, konferensi pers, training atau seminar, ruangan kelas, ataupun kebutuhan skala besar seperti untuk mic dewan di pemerintahan, sistem konferensi premium Audiocore CCS-500 d..
Wireless Chairman and Delegate Charging Device (up to 10 mics)""Constant flow"" charger mode design, charging the microphones with constant power supply.Battery voltage is lower than the preset value. If the battery voltage is higher than preset value,charging current will be decreased as the batter..
Penyaring Feedback Audiocore FS-200Penyaring Feedback Audiocore FS-200 dapat secara otomatis mendeteksi lengkingan sinyal dan menyaring bising melalui sistem DSP. Audiocore FS-200 memiliki kompensasi bass otomatis, fungsi mixing, danpenyaringan feedback kecepatan tinggi yang bekerja sama untuk menge..
Audiocore KA-1250 Karaoke Mixing AmplifierAudiocore is a
world leader in the field of professional audio equipment. Audiocore
mixing consoles and amplifiers are used in many of the world’s top
recording studios and music venues, setting the standard for pure,
natural sound. This expertise an..
Sistem PA Wireless Audiocore PA-0610 (1 mik genggam)Audiocore Instruments® kali ini meluncurkan tipe PA sistem terbarunya yang di rancang khusus untuk generasi baru individu speaker atau kelompok penggunaan indoor maupun outdoor. Cocok digunakan dalam ruang kelas di sekolah, taman bermain, hiburan o..
Sistem PA Wireless Audiocore PA-0611 (1 mik genggam & 1 bodypack clip-on/headset wireless microphone)
Audiocore Instruments® kali ini meluncurkan tipe PA sistem terbarunya yang di rancang khusus untuk generasi baru individu speaker atau kelompok penggunaan indoor maupun outdoor. Cocok digunakan..
Sistem PA Wireless Audiocore PA-0610 (1 mik genggam)
Audiocore Instruments® kali ini meluncurkan tipe PA sistem terbarunya yang di rancang khusus untuk generasi baru individu speaker atau kelompok penggunaan indoor maupun outdoor. Cocok digunakan dalam ruang kelas di sekolah, taman bermain, hiburan..
Sistem PA Wireless Audiocore PA-0811 (1 mik genggam & 1 mik bodypack wireless)Audiocore Instruments® menciptakan standar baru untuk Sistem PA wireless dengan seri PA nya yang legendaris. Model flagship ini menggunakan amplifier kelas D yang memberikan speaker daya 72 Watt RMS dengan masih menjag..
Sistem PA Wireless Audiocore PA-0811D (1 mik genggam & 1 mik bodypack wireless dan modul DVD)
Audiocore Instruments® menciptakan standar baru untuk Sistem PA wireless dengan seri PA nya yang legendaris. Model flagship ini menggunakan amplifier kelas D yang memberikan speaker daya 72 Watt RMS de..
Sistem PA Wireless Audiocore PA-0820 (2 Mik Genggam Wireless)Audiocore Instruments® menciptakan standar baru untuk Sistem PA wireless dengan seri PA nya yang legendaris. Model flagship ini menggunakan amplifier kelas D yang memberikan speaker daya 72 Watt RMS dengan masih menjaga efisiensi dan efekt..
Sistem PA Wireless Audiocore PA-0820D (2 Mik Genggam Wireless dan modul DVD)Audiocore Instruments® menciptakan standar baru untuk Sistem PA wireless dengan seri PA nya yang legendaris. Model flagship ini menggunakan amplifier kelas D yang memberikan speaker daya 72 Watt RMS dengan masih menjaga efis..
Audiocore PAV-1211 Portable Wireless Meeting 12" (dengan 1 Mik Genggam & 1 Bodypack clip-on/headset wireless)Audiocore Instruments adalah brand yang sudah ternama di dunia untuk lini produk Amplifier Portable dengan seri Audiocore PA yang legendaris. Dibuat dengan berlandaskan kesuksesan seri pe..
Audiocore PAV-1220 Portable Wireless Meeting 12" (dengan 2 Mik Genggam Wireless)Audiocore Instruments adalah brand yang sudah ternama di dunia untuk lini produk Amplifier Portable dengan seri Audiocore PA yang legendaris. Dibuat dengan berlandaskan kesuksesan seri pendahulunya, Audiocore seri PAV in..
Audiocore PMX-805 - 250WattThis powerful Power Mixer PMX series by Audiocore is equipped with 2 x 250 watt RMS monstrous power and it can produce a warm, clean, and smooth sound to any passive speaker from the range between 08 inch to 15 inch! One of the best selling product so far, this PMX Series ..
Audiocore SC-10AAudiocore SC-10A adalah speaker yang berjenis Coloumn Array yang berkarakteristik memiliki cakupan frequensi yang luas yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan frequensi low dan frequensi high yang kamu butuhkan. SC-10A ini memberikan suara yang jelas dan jernih pada suara vocal karena memiliki..
Audiocore SC-15AAudiocore SC-15A adalah speaker yang berjenis Coloumn Array yang berkarakteristik memiliki cakupan frequensi yang luas yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan frequensi low dan frequensi high yang kamu butuhkan. SC-15A ini memberikan suara yang jelas dan jernih pada suara vocal karena memiliki..
Audiocore VD-5000 Single MicrophoneWith its outstanding audio quality, the Audiocore VD-5000 Wireless
System offers numerous potential applications for live performances and
permanent installations. The working UHF frequency range is 734 MHz to
776 MHz. Both the handheld microphone and belt pa..
Audiocore WCM-1080V Wireless (8 Mic VHF up to 16 Mic)Audiocore WCM-1080V (Wireless Conference Microphone Series) is a locked-in eight-channel VHF wireless conference microphone set with a high sensitivity, wide frequency response resulting to a good and stable performance and simple to operate.This ..
Audiocore WCM-3240U (4 Mic UHF PLL up to 256 Mic)Audiocore WCM-3240U is a conference system with 4 PLL UHF Microphones suitable for high-end meeting requirements.Features :UHF international standard frequency range without interference, The WCM-3240U has a broad UHF frequency range of 500 MHz~900MHz..
Audiocore WCM-3280U Wireless (8 Mic UHF PLL up to 256 Mic)Audiocore WCM-3280U is a conference system with 8 PLL UHF Microphones suitable for high-end meeting requirements.Features :UHF international standard frequency range without interference, The WCM-3280U has a broad UHF frequency range of 500 M..
Audiocore WCM-6440U Wireless (4 Mic UHF PLL up to 512 Mic)The Audiocore WCM-6440 is built using the latest technology for Wireless Conference System, with high end wireless modules and phase lock-up frequency to ensure the clarity of the signal and interference-free audio. This product is suitable t..
Audiocore WCM-6480U Wireless (8 Mic UHF PLL up to 512 Mic)
The Audiocore WCM-6480 is built using the latest technology for
Wireless Conference System, with high end wireless modules and phase
lock-up frequency to ensure the clarity of the signal and
interference-free audio. This product is su..
Audiocore WCS-1000 Premium Wireless Conference System with Chairman and Delegate Microphones
The WCS-1000 is using a wireless digital technology to process the audio signal and control signal with scientific ID code design and no complicated cables required. Within the signal coverage range, the un..
Audiocore WH-1020V (2 Mik Genggam Wireless)Para desainer Audiocore Instruments® memiliki satu poin kunci saat mendesain mikropon wireless Audiocore seri V ini: Value. Konsep ini membawa mereka pada penciptaan sebuah seri mik wireless yang memberikan kejernihan suara luar biasa, sensitifitas mik yang..